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  5. Section 2: Zero Knowledge Protocols (Math-Heavy)

Section 2: Zero Knowledge Protocols (Math-Heavy)

This section covers the mathematics behind zero knowledge cryptography, which has been studied for a few decades. A basic number theory background will be helpful for understanding this section.


MIT 6.857 Lecture 11

Zero-Knowledge Proofs for discrete logs (first section)

Zero-Knowledge Proofs – full formal definition of ZKPs, including quadratic residue example. You probably don’t need to go through this whole thing.

Fiat-Shamir Heuristic – a technique that can be used to make interactive zero-knowledge protocols into non-interactive protocols.


  • Implement a non-interactive ZKP for discrete log in code! Specifically, you should implement:
    • a function dlogProof(x, g, p) that returns (1) a residue y, evaluated as g^x (mod p) and (2) a proof of knowledge pf that you know x that is the discrete log of y.
    • a function verify(y, g, p, pf) that evaluates to true if pf is a valid proof of knowledge, and false otherwise. The prover should only be able to compute a valid proof with non-negligible probability if they do indeed know valid x.
    • if you need help, a reference implementation in Javascript with comments can be found here.
  • Complete these Understanding Questions