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  3. EthSpring
  4. Ethereum Applications
  5. Preface


Best for students who are interested in building Dapps later in week 3 and 4, but doesn’t have much prior experience with Ethereum. We’ll show you how some of the most popular Dapps work and their implementations.

Note: Eth price is really high right now, so the gas cost is pretty high too. For the quests below, if you do any of them on a testnet, it works too.

Ethereum networks – with a list of testnets and links to faucets

Learning goals:

  • Read instructions and watch videos from reading list and complete the quests, to get a hands on feeling of how Ethereum Dapps work;
  • Learn about the mechanics of the Dapps, understand why they are designed that way; Furthermore, why they are built on Ethereum, what’s the benefits of decentralization;
  • Look at the smart contracts, e.g. see how ERC20/ERC721 are implemented, how factory contract, contract upgrade works in production.